As further discussion with fellow stakeholders would be required to finalize the details of using baby trolley on buses, the current temporary arrangement would be extended until a compromise satisfying most of the residents is reached. A further notice about the new policy will then be released while details of the current temporary arrangement are as follows:
1. Passenger should fold up the baby trolley whenever possible.
2. Under safety circumstances of not blocking the passageway, passengers are allowed to place their baby trolley temporarily at the wheelchair position. For the interest of other parties, passengers should look after their baby trolley at all times.
3. If the wheelchair position is fully occupied by wheelchair user or baby trolley, passengers should fold up the baby trolley or wait for the next bus.
4. As wheelchair user have the first priority for the position, passengers please fold up the baby trolley or wait for the next bus if wheelchair user board our buses.
We thank all passengers for the understanding and cooperation in this matter. If you have any further enquiries or comments about our policy, please send us e-mail or opinion form or call us during working hours.